Archive | July, 2009

Growing Up is Hard

29 Jul

It is really hard right now not to be stressed out. Especially with the finances. Aaron has a great job, but we still need two cars and have to pay medical bills. Then when the baby comes, we will have to rent a bigger apartment. I know this is all happening for a reason, but right now being in the middle of it it makes it extremely hard to understand. Our first year of marriage was so easy. Everything was going as planned. I don’t know if it was just the calm before the storm or else God was just giving us a little breathing room before these new challenges came up. It probably sounds easy to everyone else, but it is so stressfull for me. It is hard to not let these challenges run everything we do and run every thought. I know it will all work out, it always does. In the meantime, since the job market itsn’t looking too great for me, I’m trying to think of some creative ways to earn some money.

Week 13!

23 Jul

I think somehow I mis-calculated what week I was on on an earlier post, but today I am officially 13 weeks pregnant!

This is what is going on with the baby right now: (so insane how there are so many details being developed)

  • The fetus has grown to about 3 inches (8cm) long.
  • Weight approximately 1 ounce (25 grams).
  • Bone is beginning to replace cartilage and the ribs are appearing.
  • The nose and chin are well defined.
  • Movements can be measured.
  • The child will begin to learn to suck its thumb.
  • The child can open and close its mouth.
  • The external genitalia are well defined making it is possible to determine the baby’s gender.
  • I also read that there are fingerprints starting to form on the fingers!

Info from:

They also said you can start to feel a flutter. I felt something the other day, but I honestly couldn’t tell if it was something other than gas (an unfortunate and common acquaintance during the last couple weeks).

Everything is pretty easy still. The hardest thing is staying away from eating too much cheese, fried food, and occasionally fast food. Although I do love my veggies, the most unhealthy items tend to keep calling my name. I know I need to eat fresh fruit, but I have always had to deal with an itchy throat after eating fresh fruit. Luckily, I found a solution by making fruit smoothies. Smoothies are basically the only way I can eat fresh fruit without it really bothering me. The second hardest thing right now is just having to get out of bed every 2-3 hours during the night for a bathroom break. But in all, these are things that are easy to conquer.

Oh yeah, I’m finally starting to get a little mini-bump. You can see it when I turn sideways, but it is just barely there. It’s going to be so wierd when you can really start to see my lil’ belly start showing in the next month or so!

Cute Website

18 Jul

This is the first website I found that didn’t look like the projects were hand-crafted from the 80’s.  There’s a lot of cute stuff and ideas that make me think of even more ideas! Enjoy!

Doctor Visit

18 Jul

So, not too much to update. I’m 12 weeks and 1 day pregnant, the baby’s heartbeat is at 160 (which is normal), and everything else seems good! I got my dvd copy back of the 1st sonogram so I could show Aaron the baby’s heart beating! So cool!

Now, I’m just looking up D.I.Y. decorating ideas…

1st Sonogram

16 Jul

This was at 10 weeks. It looked like a little blob then, and last Friday in the hospital at 2 1/2 weeks later, it was twice that size and I could see more features! It is amazing how fast the baby is growing! Seeing the first sonogram and hearing the heartbeat made it seems so much more real. I can’t believe that there is a little baby inside of me! Crazy!

The Begining

13 Jul

So when I found out I was pregnant, it was completely unexpected. We were thrilled, yet still in shock. “Are we really having a kid!?” We immediately went to Border’s and bought a couple baby books because we didn’t know what else to do. I am still learning so much.

It has been a pretty easy ride so far. I luckily haven’t had any morning sickness. Maybe that is something that runs in the family because both my Grandmother and Mom didn’t have much morning sickness either.

Last Friday though I had a little scare at the Post Office. I fainted while standing at the front counter and had to go to the hospital. Thankfully, everything turned out okay and I even got to see the little baby kick on the sonogram they did in the hospital. That was pretty neat. It was just a little embarrassing when I woke up and 3o random people were all staring at me. I had to learn the hard way to not skip breakfast, drink extra fluids, and I’ll probably have to start taking iron pills again. I’m just glad that is all something I can easily fix!

Keep checking back for more updates!
