Archive | March, 2010

8 Weeks

24 Mar

A new dress to celebrate the pretty weather & for 8 weeks old!

New Smiles!

24 Mar

About 2 weeks ago Elliot smiled at us the first time with a cute side-smile! Now she is definitely smiling more but usually just in the mornings! I’m afraid she might be a morning person, uh oh! These last two weeks she has just grown so much. Now she can recognize mine and Aaron’s voices, she’s making all kinds of sounds and trying to communicate a little more with dinosaur sounding noises. She will kick when she’s mad and when she’s excited, basically she only stops when she is asleep (sometimes). Somehow almost every time she wakes up she is horizontal in her crib. There’s tons of little stuff I could talk about like how she only goes number 2 when she has a clean diaper on, but I would be on here all day!

She is already 8 weeks today! Yesterday she had her first shots and it was probably the worst day of her life so far! 😦 poor baby! I felt so bad, but at the same time I couldn’t help but laugh a little (I’m such a bad mom when it comes to that). Still trying to get a schedule down. Right whenever we do, she goes through a little growth spurt again and it changes but we are gradually getting there! It is so funny because she is 24 inches long (which is tall for her age) and only 9 lbs. (which is small for her age). So we just have a little skinny, lanky girl! All of her sleeves are too short for her arms, but then the next size up just swallows her! Silly girl!