Archive | May, 2011

Always Learning

20 May

Elliot learned two new words today! They are ” nah” and ” knock knock”! She’s so funny cause she acts like they are so easy to say and you can tell she is so proud of herself!

Today she also learned how to walk sideways and then earlier this week she fed herself with a spoon! She scooped up her oatmeal and brought to her mouth all by herself!

She is such a sweetie! She is so good at cuddling and I love it cause I was afraid she may not cuddle as much after getting her off her bottle but she still does. Aaron and I now will kneel down to her level and hold out our arms and say ” hug” and she’ll run and give us a hug. The best thing though is when she comes up and gives you a kiss just to be sweet, that’s the best!