Archive | November, 2009

30 Weeks!

21 Nov

We are getting closer! It has all gone by pretty fast, until recently when I can see the finish line off in the distance.  I’m sure she is going to come alot faster than I could think. Aaron graduates in about 4 weeks, and then 6 weeks after that, the baby is due!

We are still trying to decide on a name. Every other day I change my mind.

Yesterday I went to the doctor, everything looked normal! I only gained two pounds this time (1 lb. per week). So, I’ll go back in two more weeks for another checkup. I have been having Braxton-Hicks contractions now more frequently. They don’t hurt, but it is just weird. It is so crazy how your body just knows automatically how to practice and “flex” muscles for the real thing! My back has been pretty sore on and off, and after about three hours at work I’m done for the day just because I’m so wiped out. The doctor was like, “yeah, all that is normal it will probably get worse as you go along”. That’s what I get for being preg!

I ordered a little new jacket to wear in the winter since none of my jackets are big enough for me to button or zip all of the way anymore!

Back to Class…

12 Nov

Yesterday, I signed us up for the Prepared Childbirth class at the hospital. Luckily, they still had spaces available because there was literally only one weekend we were free to take the class. It is a big-time crash course with 5 straight hours on Saturday and 5 straight hours on Sunday. I know it will be useful, but I’m kinda dreading it because we have to bring pillows and blankets and I just know it’s going to be kinda awkward, and really hard for me not to take it seriously. For some reason, I find it funny when things like this are extra-serious. Maybe I’m just still immature, but hopefully I’ll get some amusing story out of the deal cause I just know there is going to be a girl there who is like the apple-eating girl on the airplane. (Katie and Rachel should know what I’m talking about).


6 Nov

I keep changing my mind of what I want to do for the baby’s room and bedding. I think I should start listing being able to continually change my mind as a skill or something. I do it way too much!

I like the girly, soft, styles. Here are some ideas that I like:


28 weeks

6 Nov

So I am officially beginning the third trimester! Everything has gone by so fast it seems. This week the baby has the ability to blink and her lungs are continuing to become more developed! She probably weighs a little more than two lbs right now.

I had another check-up today. All looks well, except that I gained a little more weight than normal. I gained 8 lbs. in the last month and the normal goal of weight gain for a month during this time is about 4 lbs. Although, the good thing is that the doctor said that my overall weight gain was good (27lbs). I guess I just need to layoff of the queso and chili’s desserts I’ve been eating lately. Whoops!

Oh yeah, a funny thing happened about a week or so ago. I sneezed really loud and apparently it was loud enough to either wake up the baby or scare her because right when I sneezed she reacted really fast and started moving a little bit. Kinda funny. Man, if she was scared of my sneeze then she would be freaking out if Henry sneezed around her, hehe!

Last thing, we have two names that we like and are still trying to decide which one to pick. One is classic, yet common while the other is very uncommon and less frequently heard of for a girl. hmm.. we will see.

I did have a dream last night that we adopted a girl named Monique who we later called Monica, but I don’t think those names are really in the running. (Random!) Anyway, the little baby girl in the dream had a white bow in her hair. Why do I keep having dreams about baby girls with bows in their hair?