Archive | October, 2010


26 Oct

Let’s see..let’s see. Elliot will be 9 months tomorrow! Ahh! We are going to the doctor tomorrow for her 9 month check up. I can’t remember if she is getting shots or not. Anyway, two days in a row I’ve had to give her an “emergency bath”. Both times, I was changing her diaper and she decided to roll over and either go to the bathroom on the changing table or wipe her “stuff” everywhere while trying to crawl around on the changing table. I think I used half of a package of wipes when that second one happened! So gross!

She’s starting to figure out how to move while holding on to things. She can move from one object to another while standing up and can move all the way around things as well. The last two days you can see it cross her mind that maybe she could move standing up by herself.You can see her think about it but she’s not sure exactly how to. Although, she can walk while pushing boxes around the living room. So, walking is going to be coming soon. I can see it in her eyes! Haha.

We are also so excited that she has figured out how to give kisses!! She’s been just leaning towards you when you say “kiss” or just kind of smirking and opening her mouth. Yesterday, she gave Aaron a kiss for the first time! He said “kiss” and she leaned up to him and gave him a little kiss!! So cute. (Despite the fact that babies like to give awkward open-mouth kisses). But it’s still so adorable! I can’t wait until she figures out hugs. Right now she just leans her forehead against your forhead, which is still so cute as well.

Elliot loves chase. She could play that all day. She cracks me up cause she gets so excited she doesn’t know where to go and always gets stuck in a corner moving from one side to the other. Then, if you wait too long to “get her”, she’ll come looking for you. She’s so fun!

Dallas Aboretum: Pumpkins,Pumpkins Everywhere!

10 Oct

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the Arboretum! Elliot loved everything especially all of the hay on the ground. So random! She could not stop “talking” and squealing the whole day!


9 Oct

So last week Elliot turned 8 months! Such a big girl already! I was looking at pictures from when she was six months and she already looks so much older. New things going on with Elliot are that she is starting to stand on her own, finding new angles and purposes for everyday items, figuring out she can turn things upside down. She also is finally holding her bottle on her own! She has been able to for a while, but she had more fun eating with her hands back behind her head so she just wouldn’t do it until recently. After two months of ridiculous battles she also is putting herself to sleep at nap time with little fuss. It’s so nice that my hard work has finally paid off! Along with standing for several seconds at a time, she figured out how to push a box around while standing up! I bet she’ll be walking in the next couple of months cause she started crawling literally 2-3 days after she could sit up on her own. The good thing for now is that I don’t think she really realizes that she’s standing yet. She’s growing way too fast. I always say that but she is!

Understanding the word “no”. It’s funny that she knows exactly what no means already. And she is already trying really hard to sneak off to places she’s not supposed to go or most of the time just testing me over and over with the same things (trying to chew on the sides of tables). I’ll tell her “no” or “stop” and she will, but then she’ll look straight at me and try and do it again. When I get stern with her she’ll throw her head back and pitch a little fit. The whole thing is more amusing than anything. I definitely did not expect this to start so soon! Haha

Things Ellie likes/ make her laugh:

– Playing with the door stop

– Playing peekaboo and chase

– Anything that shakes

– Watching Mom or Dad brush their teeth

– Pulling the snaps apart on her clothes

– The box that the diapers come in is one of her new favorite “toys”

– Theres so many more I’ll add to the list later when I think of them!