Archive | December, 2010

A Whole New World

21 Dec

Well, Elliot is almost 11 months already! This last month has been crazy..moving, traveling for the holidays and trying to buy a house on top of all of that!

Elliot has changed so much recently! She is such a big girl! She started walking right before Thanksgiving and now she is pretty much a pro! She is still so tiny and you can barely see her walking around sometimes. She loves exploring all the new things she can see.

We moved out of our apartment this weekend and it was probably some of the most fun she’s had since there were so many new things to see and get into. Among these explorations she has, come new things to taste as well such as paper (an old favorite), packing peanuts, and unfortunately dog poo. Needless to say, she didn’t like that very much and spit it out. Basically anything she sees needs a little taste.

Along with walking, she can wave goodbye and hello. She waved “bye-bye” to her bath water the other day on her own! So cute. She can also give high-fives. She knows how to put on a show when she wants more attention by fake gagging and throwing fits (working on that). She is actually pretty good at acting which sometimes is not so good for me cause I’ll fall for her tricks. I’m still learning that she is ultimately one step ahead of me with that stuff and she is way smarter than she lets on. Also, if you tell her “no” she’ll usually do one of three things: 1. put her head down sadly 2. smile and shake her head “yes” 3. ignore  you and either keep doing it or act like she wasn’t doing anything.

Actually, she is really good with that last one. If she’s doing something she knows she not supposed to do and you walk in the room (without even saying anything) she’ll stop or drop whatever she was playing with instantly and look at you like “what? I was just standing her not doing anything”. Or recently, she’ll act like she was getting the object to give to you. It’s so funny. I love seeing her personality just develop day by day.

Back to the walking, she hit her head on a fireplace the other day and has a little shiner now over her eye. We were at a party with a lot of kids and she was just trying to be like the big kids and run around everywhere! 🙂 I wasn’t even thinking about it and I looked up and she was gone walking down the hallway to go see what the big kids were doing and trying to hang out with them. She’ll just go up to any kid to say “hi” or try and “talk” and play with them. Elliot is such a sweetie!

What else can I brag about??? 😉 She figured out how to push a box up to the couch and crawl on to the couch. She also pushed the box up to the tv to try and get that too. Oh yeah, when I sneeze she treis to copy my sound.

Christmas is this week! Can’t wait! I bet she’ll just end up playing with all of the wrapping paper the most!