Archive | August, 2011

19 months

30 Aug

So I’m definitely looking pregnant these days! Goodbye to hipbones, hello love handles! I’ve been able to fit into maternity pants for a while, but they are so uncomfortable! Apparently when you are pregnant, your crotch also somehow grows in length. So annoying because all my pants only fit me when I stand still and when I walk they just sag and slide down. So for now I’m wearing pajama pants at home! Got to delay this maternity pants thing as long as possible but I’m about a week or two away from having absolutely no choice on the matter!

Anyway, I’m about 20 weeks now, I already look bigger than I did with Ellie at 23 weeks. Next wednesday hopefully we’ll find out what we are having!! At first I thought it was a girl but now after thinking about how my first trimester was alot harder than last time, and how extra tired I’ve been, I’m kind of thinking it is a boy! I’m finally starting to feel as normal as you can when you are pregnant, finally starting to get to that second trimester easy time! Yay! I’ve got so much more stuff done around the house than I have in the last month. Hopefully I’ll feel like this for a while as I’m finally catching my second wind!

Elliot was sick all weekend, she threw up Friday and Sunday. Sunday we pretty much just watched Sesame Street, Dora, and Barney all day cause she wasn’t feeling good. I could barely get her to eat anything . I think once she got everything out of her system she felt better. Yesterday, we went outside to watch the rain (that has been so rare) and she was feeling better enough to go stand out in it just for the heck of it. She still wasn’t 100% though but today she seems to be feeling much better. When she woke up she was asking me for something to eat which she hasn’t done in a while and so far she’s kept everything down. We are thinking she just had a little stomach bug + she’s had a couple molars coming in all week so that didn’t really help!

We are taking Elliot with us to the doctor next week! hopefully she’ll understand what she is looking at! The other day she came up and patted my tummy and gave it a kiss just because she wanted to! She is really the sweetest and she’ll be such a big sister.

Oh yeah, continuing the cleaning stories. I had some clean laundry on the floor of the laundry room and she wanted to help me so without me asking, she started picking up piles of clothes and carrying them into the living room for me since I always fold them in the living room! 🙂 I guess she was telling me I needed to clean! 😉

Elliot’s Interests/ Things She Loves:
– Elmo
– toast with jelly
– dancing – learning new moves all the time
– drawing while i’m helping her write her name
– eating popsicles outside

I can’t wait until fall/winter! I’m so excited! We got a little preview with the rain yesterday, we had fun snuggling and listening to the rain! I seriously can not wait!

Elliot watching Sesame Street this morning:


12 Aug

Wow, Elliot is really learning so much so fast! She is just learning so many new things per day and I know as far as words and stuff like that it will only become more frequent! That is so crazy to think that around 20 months + she will start learning like 20 new words a day or something crazy like that!

She is still that neat freak I was talking about before and I love it!! I love finding out all her little quirks! The other day she saw clothes on the floor in my room and put them in my drawer for me. Another quirk that I really have no idea where it came from, is that every time I’m doing the dishes she will stick her finger in the water that accumulates on the dishwasher door when it is open, and then put the water on the tip of her nose and run off. It is the most random thing.

And here’s for a little bragging cause I don’t do it enough! She knows 15 body parts, knows and can say Blue, Purple, and Red, can count to 3 sometimes 4, knows and can say “star” and “circle”. Also, when I’m doing laundry she will point to our clothes and say “mama” and “dada” and point at the correct clothes that are each of ours. She understands 90% of what we say already. I don’t know how many actual words she knows, but she knows a lot!

She had a check up a couple weeks ago and everything is looking good! Besides the flu shot, she shouldn’t have to get any other shots until she is about 4! yay! Definitely glad to not have to watcher do the silent cry, except this time it was short lived because they gave her a little lollipop!

I finally got to go to the doctor for baby #2! yay! Everything looks normal and now I’m about 18 weeks pregnant already. It is going by pretty fast, which is how I want it to go, but we have soooo much to do before then. And we probably need to do everything asap cause I don’t know how busy we’ll be during Thanksgiving/ Christmas. I’m due around Jan 13th…somehow the doctor didn’t give me an exact due date so I’m just guesstimating. We’ll find out (hopefully) what we are having September 7th! So crazy! I don’t really have any hunches this time, but if I were to guess I think it will be a girl. Who knows??

Anyway.. I really need to do a photoshoot with Elliot soon before she is too far away from 18 months.. I think she’s like 18 1/2 already! She is growing up WAY too fast! She is with the grandparents today and I already miss her like crazy! 😦