Archive | December, 2009

Only about 6 weeks left!

16 Dec

Ah! I don’t know what it is about today, but I am extra anxious about getting this baby here! Seriously, I just can’t wait! I’m excited and scared all at the same time! It is not that I’m too uncomfortable or tired of being pregnant, I’m just stunned at how close we are! Tomorrow I’ll be 34 weeks, that means only 6 WEEKS until she is due! And, if I have her a little early like I dreamed the other night, she could be here in just a month! So insane! we have so much to do still. We still haven’t picked a pediatrician. We are moving apartments starting next week. So, we have to do all that let alone still buy the necessities for Elliot (who is nearly 5 lbs. by now). And I still need to buy Christmas presents.(Procrastinating is one of my specialties!)

But, for today I’m taking it easy and just relaxing in my sweats, slept in until 12, and enjoying my much loved alone time before I have to give it up for a good while. I’m also trying to come up with some little art designs to decorate with.

15 Dec

We got our baby bedding today! Yay! I’m excited, it is a little different than what I was first looking at, but I really like it!

So lets see, what else is going on? My feet are starting to get swollen when I work. Mainly it is my toes but luckily tomorrow is my last day, so I really won’t have to worry about that.

We’ve decided on a name: Elliot Jane Hanna

I really like it, it is a little different but it will be cute. Trust me. 🙂

Thursday I have another Dr.’s appointment. I can tell my stomach and Elliot are getting bigger still. It is so cute because I am starting to feel little movements that I can tell must be a joint or foot or hand or something!

Aaron just got home and now she is moving like crazy, it is so weird how she already can recognize his voice.

31 weeks Pictures

2 Dec

So, here are some more pictures..

Excuse my “snuggly” appearance, I’ve been sick the last couple of days but now I’m finally starting to feel better. I think I ate something bad on Saturday or else just too much food and sweets over Thanksgiving. 😉

Thursday = 32 weeks = 8 months! We are getting so much closer!

The little baby is weighing in at more than 3 lbs. now and can use all 5 senses! She is 16-18 inches long, she can hear distinct sounds, lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature, she can see in the womb, and her eyebrows and eyelashes are complete. She’s growing so much!

Aaron will get to go with me to the doctor on Friday, cause he has to go into work later. I’m excited, he will finally get to hear the heartbeat!