Archive | December, 2012

Jacob 11&1/2 months

31 Dec

More little updates from an overly busy life lately! Jacob started crawling the week he turned 8 months. It was great because before he could crawl, he was getting really frustrated with not being able to move anywhere on his own. He had too much to go see! It only took him a day or two to get going pretty fast. And it only took him a week or so to start pulling up! After that, he was into everything and is definitely more into stuff than Elliot was so we always have to pay extra close attention. He is a little adventurer and is constantly trying to see what he can get into and how he can get into the things he knows he’s not supposed to touch. He’ll stop and think about doing something, turn and smile at me, then speed crawl to get whatever he’s not supposed to!

Jacob started walking the day he turned 11 months and is walking all over the house! He thinks he is just as big as us and is barely even crawling at this point! The first couple weeks he had to take a lot of naps since he was working out his legs so much. He tries to climb on everything. This last week I’ve caught him in Elliot’s dresser drawer ( the bottom one), he climbed on top of the dishwasher door when it was open and neither feet were one on the ground. He also figured out how to climb down from things on his own, bounce in the bouncer chair while standing on his knees, backwards in the chair. And anytime he is on the couch he is trying to climb as high as possible.

His personality is shining through at this age and it is so fun! He loves to cuddle with mom and dad, and is the sweetest, sweetest boy. He also loves to play jokes and be silly and is already smiling ear to ear just from thinking of a joke he can play. Another interesting personality development that I wouldn’t expect to see so early, especially this month, is that he is a self-starter and go getter. Getting him to start walking took little encouragement from us after he figured out what to do. He would just stand up and start practicing by himself because he wanted to!

Elliot is getting so big! She’ll be 3 already next month. She loves to talk, talk, talk! She also loves to play  and imagine. She is also a big sweetie too and loves to pretend things were people are sad or hurt and then she gets to fix them or take care of them. We went to the doctor today because she has a sty and Jacob has been sick all weekend. When I told Ellie we were going, she squealed in excitement. She loves going to the doctor! What kid does that? She got the doctor to listen to her heart twice (even though the checkup was mainly for Jacob) and then she got the doctor to let her listen to the doctor’s heart with her stethoscope. She also had to pretend to wash her hands and look at my eyes for a check up.

She loves to talk about school (even though she doesn’t go yet). She loves airplanes, trains, helicopters, and tools so she can pretend to “fix the house”. She is our little helper and almost every day helps Daddy cook supper and knows a lot about different types of food. Ever since she started helping Aaron cook, she eats so much more in quantity and variety.

Jacob and Elliot are finally starting to be able to play with each other. Jacob bugs Elliot just as much and she does him already. They are learning to share and take turns. The other day they were playing together by themselves in Elliot’s’ room and Aaron caught them just sitting in the floor “singing” together with their play microphones. They both love to dance and we usually end up having a family dance party about once  a week!

I can’t wait to see what this year brings! Tons of fun to be had!!