Archive | August, 2010
27 Aug

OH yeah! And I forgot to say in the last post that she loves to sit a look at her hands while she moves her fingers and twists and turns her hand. So funny to watch!


26 Aug

I know I always say this, but this last month has gone by super fast!! I think even faster than the last 6 months. This last week has been huge for Ellie! She’s cutting  her third tooth, learned to crawl, pulls up on her crib almost in standing position, and is figuring out in the last couple days how to rock her toy basket back and forth in hopes of dumping it over. She loves to crawl now and loves to try and pull up on the couch so that she can see more!

Needless to say, she’s starting to take better naps with all of her hard work she has been doing!  It is hard however, for her to get herself to sleep during naps. We’ve been spoiling her and we’re trying so hard to teach her to get herself to sleep now but I guess it will take some time.

I felt so bad yesterday because I fed her Mac&Cheese for lunch not really thinking of our previous history of her not doing well with any kind of milk other than soy. She threw up about 10 times yesterday afternoon and was so worn out by the end of the day that she fell asleep on Aaron right before 7 pm and didn’t make a peep until 7 am. She is much better today though, but I hated watching her feel bad for something I did! 😦

Anyway, she’s up from her nap now so I’ll post some new pictures later!