Archive | June, 2010

5 Months

28 Jun

Yesterday, Ellie turned 5 months! Time really does fly about 10x faster than I ever expeceted it would! New things she likes to do:

-try with all of her might to put her toes in her mouth

– grab everything she sees

– touches everything to see how it feels

– recently she’s tried to start talking and experiments with her voice

– She’s also learned when to turn on her charm and be cute (when she’s supposed to take a nap) and also figured out how to stall by playing with her pacifier.

She still loves to scream and squeal constantly! She also loves to be tossed in the air and spun around, and likes to be a little scared sometimes too! We’re working on sitting up but she likes to stand up instead and if I try and make her sit, she’ll straighten out her legs so they won’t bend. Such a stinker! Going on trips are always fun too so she can see new people and new things! Yesterday she finally got to meet Donnave, Gail, Bobbie and Lindsey although, she slept most of the time we were there. And, finally she’s getting some rolls on her little legs! What else? What else.. She is just growing so fast! Still a little small for her age, but she’s happy and healthy! She’s definitely a morning person, she wakes up every morning squealing with excitement at around 6 or 7 (so early for mom the nightowl!).  Overall she is great, everything she does is just awesome!