Archive | July, 2011

18 months

26 Jul

Let’s see..what has been going on?? Elliot’s getting a lot of her teeth now. It’s funny though because her teeth seem like they like to come in on the left side before the right.

Elliot’s personality and little quirks are developing so much! She is a neat freak…loves to help me clean and then cleans voluntarily without me prompting her. One day we went to play at the Splash Pad and she spent most of her time picking up trash and putting it in the trashcan. She also doesn’t like her hands and feet to be dirty and suddenly if her hands are dirty they will become “paralyzed”.  A couple weeks ago she was throwing a fit and had to stop mid-tantrum to close a lid to something that was open and then went back to her fit. She cracks me up. Also, one thing I love about her personality is that she always likes to try and include everyone who is the room with her. She is always looking out to make sure everyone is having fun and no one is left out.

Fortunately now, she is learning how to better interact with other kids and spend less time cleaning. The last time we went to the Splash Pad she ran off with some other little girls and was making them laugh because she was sitting on the fountains.

She is learning so much so fast! She loves to read, especially about animals. She knows a lot of animal sounds, can do the sound of a train “choo choo!” while tugging her arm. Right now we are working on colors. She knows red and blue pretty well and we are working on the other ones. As far as numbers she knows “one, two and four” lol. Somehow three got lost but I think it’s just hard for her to say “th” sounds.

July 3rd:

I’m excited to know Elliot is a soccer fan! We are watching the Women’s World Cup and whenever commercials come on she keeps saying “more” in sign language. She’s also playing with a soccer ball while watching the game.

Last night we had painting night since it was way too hot to go play outside. I just made the paint out of flour, water, salt, and food coloring. She loved it and then figured out how to paint on the floor and then paint on herself. Needless to say, it got a little messier than I was hoping!Then as I was cleaning up she decided to come behind me and either “get me” or scare me and gave me a huge paint-filled bear hug from behind!