Archive | January, 2010


23 Jan

So, I had another doctor visit today. Not too much going on still. My doctor said that I was probably effaced 25% and still not even dilated 1cm. I have been walking/doing stairs the past week but it only got me less than 1 cm progress. And yes Neisha, I’ll take any tips you have :). Although, I am scheduled to be induced Tuesday at 9:00pm so Elliot should be here by Wednesday! I still can’t believe it. It just seems so soon and crazy that I know now the latest she’ll be here is in 5 days. oh my! I did get a fortune cookie this week that said “A pleasant surprise for you is in store in the coming week”. I know they are all generic and everything and I don’t really know if it would count as surprise since an inducement is scheduled, but it is still fun to think about!

We also got Elliot’s crib and room set up for the most part! Some of her clothes are washed and ready to go and now all I have to do is hang up a little mobile that I made and a couple of the other pictures I made and we’ll be good to go! Hopefully she won’t “surprise” us and make her debut before we get all the final touches done for everything, but if she comes a little earlier than expected I definitely won’t be complaining! Can’t wait to meet her!

Jan 16th

17 Jan

I had another doctor appointment yesterday. Still nothing going on at all! No dilation or anything and Elliot is just chillin’. Last night for a little bit I was thinking she was coming cause I started having a lot of contractions. Of course they were just the Braxton-Hicks contractions and none of them were consistent. I guess I’ll know when I know. We are just so excited and can’t wait for her to get here!

I got to visit with some old friends today who I haven’t seen in forever which was good. I wish we would have had more time to hang out but today was just a crazy day. We went walking around the mall for a little too to try and get me making a little more progress. The doctor said that I still need to be active and not sit around as much as I have been.

Hopefully she’ll come sooner than later because I would prefer not to have to be induced. My doctor said we’ll talk more about that later if I still haven’t really progressed in the next two weeks. I’ve just heard that it makes the labor longer and harder. So, my plan is to walk around and try to stay active and let gravity help out a little bit.

Baby Announcement

14 Jan

Here is the baby announcement I made. Just for the fun of it but I’ll probably send it out. Obviously, the information on it will be a little different though and the top part will have a picture of lil’ Elliot!

The Home Stretch

12 Jan

I am still just feeling I am dreaming. This past month especially has gone by super fast and now I only have about 2 1/2 more weeks until the due date! Everything is finally coming together with everyone’s help! We have the crib ordered, carseat and stroller ordered, moved in to the new apartment and only a couple little things left to get! Me and Aaron went shopping today and got most of what else we needed. Yay! I just can’t wait to get her room all put together! I also started packing a little bit for the hospital just in case Elliot wants to surprise us a little early.

So now, Elliot is pretty much done developing and now she is just packing on the weight and we are just hanging out waiting for her to be here! We are so excited and have no idea what to expect. But, there is always comfort in knowing that God has a plan and everything has happened in his time. As chaotic as it may seem, everything will always work out how it is supposed to!

Also, I thought my stomach was big a couple months or even a couple weeks ago, but look at me now:

I had a doctor appointment this last Friday where they are more detailed in their check to see my progress. Not much is going on right now. Everything is normal and exactly on schedule and my doctor said I still probably have a couple weeks to go. Hopefully though all of my dreams don’t happen because I’ve had several dreams about going into labor. Probably just because I’ve been thinking about it and reading about it too much.

Lastly, I’ve also been making some little pictures to put up in Elliot’s room: