Archive | September, 2010
13 Sep

Shadow Catching

12 Sep

Lately, Elliot has been trying to catch the shadows of things. Especially when she is eating at her highchair, she tries to pick up the shadow of her spoon on her tray. Definitely more entertaining for me and more confusing/frustrating for her!

We are trying homemade mashed potatoes tonight! Hopefully she’ll like them because last week we tried mashed up peas but she didn’t like the texture. So we’ll see!


9 Sep

Elliot is just learning faster and faster. Lately, I’ve had pillows blocking the doorways cause we have yet to buy any gates and it took her about a week to start to figure out how to crawl or fall over them. She’s also been pulling up like crazy and is getting really good balancing. She only needs to hold onto a couple of my fingers with one hand to stand up! She’s also somehow managed to turn her toy basket completely over, pull up, and then try and crawl over it or get on it. Craziness is going to be something constant in our house!

Elliot got a taste of my craziness the other day when we went to Starbucks with Alyssa. Somehow, I locked the keys in the car while it was pouring rain! Don’t ask me how (cause this is like the 6th time I’ve done it). Luckily none of us were in the car, so we walked to the dollar store and bought a fly swatter because it was the only sort of thing that we could use. and eventually two guys came over and got the door unlocked for us. That whole situation was just hilarious though because if you knew me & Alyssa it’s something to be expected! 😉

I’ll post some new pictures later!

Never Stop Learning!

4 Sep

These last couple weeks have been so amazing with Elliot! She is learning and growing so much! Since learning to crawl, she has figured out how to play chase, how to find us if we are in another room, and how to pull up to stand in her crib a couple times! Playing chase is the most fun though because she tries to go fast but always ends up wiping out! And she just seems like she is getting bigger and bigger every day! She still probably only weighs about 16lbs. but at least now she’ll be able to fit in to the diapers for crawling!

With some hard work, Elliot finally put her self to sleep last night without ANY crying! Woop Woop! Naps on the other hand, are still a work in progress  because she would rather play then lay down.