Archive | June, 2011

Potty Time!!

25 Jun

We bought a training potty for Elliot yesterday! She is so excited about it too!  My plan was to just get her used to it and used to the fact she has her own potty to use by just letting her sit on it with clothes on and test it all out. But, she is like super ecstatic about it, way more into than I realized she would be. She went #1 in her diaper when she was playing and then ran straight to her potty on her own to go sit on it. And she’ll ask to go sit on her potty just because she wants to. Then she also points for me to sit on the big potty for me to go too. ( I really hope this “potty party” thing is just her excitement and won’t stick even though she is so cute ). She actually got upset with me at one point when I told her it was time to stop playing on the potty and eat lunch- she tried to stay in the bathroom instead. So, I might be pushing a little more for her to learn faster since she seems super ready! I was going to introduce it to her for a couple days, then start actually trying to get her to go after waking,naps, etc. We will just wait and see how the rest of the day goes!

Let’s see..what other stuff is going on? She’s been trying to learn how to hop and jump. (Kids don’t usually jump until like age 3 or something). Her “jump” never actually gets off the ground but she thinks she is doing it.

I gave her some scrambled eggs yesterday and didn’t have any negative BM reactions to that, so that is exciting! Something else she can eat! Still if she eats any dairy, it won’t be very fun for like a week, she can’t even eat a couple bites of cheese. Although, she is doing great with yogurt. So, hopefully she’ll grow out of the non-dairy thing eventually. There are too many good things she can’t eat yet- ice cream, cake, chocolate milk, etc.

She has also learned how to climb into chairs on her own. She loves to climb into her rocking chair in her room and rock her stuffed animals.

Elliot is also already such big jokester! The last couple of mornings when she wakes up she’ll put her paci on her head and start yelling “ahh! ahh!” like she didn’t know how it got there and then take it off and laugh like it was such a funny joke! One time she sat on me and was squirming around all weird to try and be funny. She definitely already has her Allen side showing through!

Dancing is another one of her favorite things to do along with watching Dora the Explorer and Justin Beiber videos on youtube. I taught her the motions to the Isty Bitsy Spider and yesterday she did all of the motions with me, even wiggling her fingers for the rain! She is growing so fast! The other day she voluntarily gave my tummy a hug cause that is where the baby is! And she likes to pat my tummy too! I think she knows there is a baby in me because I told her there is, but I’m not sure if she completely gets the actual concept. Who knows, she might! She surprises me daily of how much she learns and understands!

Shoo Fly!

2 Jun

Aaron let me sleep in this morning and when I woke up he told me the funniest thing. Elliot was just standing or playing and a fly landed on her arm. When that happened, the world was over and she freaked out. After that anytime she saw the fly she would run and hide against Aaron and hold on to him as tight as she could! She is so funny…never was afraid of a fly until randomly today. She ended up just sitting his lap for almost two hours this morning because she was so scared! 🙂