Archive | February, 2010


26 Feb

Elliot was crying cause we weren’t holding her but it was totally a fake cry and her face wasn’t even red or anything. But now, since she realized she isn’t getting her way she is screaming and being as pitiful as possible to get her way throwing a little tantrum. It breaks my heart but at the same time I know she is just throwing a fit. Oh, and now she is asleep it took almost 40 minutes, but now she is asleep.

By the way, her fuzzy hair is the cutest! And when we have playtime and tummytime she starts to kind of grunt and squeal when she gets excited!

3 Weeks= Too Old Already!

18 Feb

Well, today Elliot is already 3 weeks old! Like the title states, that is way too old! She is growing so fast and I can’t stand it! I’m excited cause she’s growing and learning, but I already miss her being 1 week old or two weeks old. Her hair is still growing fast and her eyes are looking more blue and her hands and feet are bigger. She has changed so much already!

At her two week check up she had actually lost weight and was all the way down to 6lbs 5oz. I had been breastfeeding but she wasn’t getting enough, so we have started to use a soy formula. The other formulas we tried made her spit up too much or made her stomach upset. She has been doing so much better with the soy formula and you can see improvements in all aspects! She just seems so much happier and fulfilled after her feedings! We took her back to the doctor on Monday and now she weighs 6lbs. 14 oz. which is still so tiny when you think about it but such a great improvement for her. So everything is good now and the doctor said to just keep doing what we are doing!

This last week we gave her her first bath! She was okay at first until she got some of the soap on her hands. That’s not bad unless you know how much she loves her hands around her face and her mouth. It didn’t take long for bubbles to come out of her mouth. Needless to say, she didn’t like that! Lets see… she is making more variety of different noises so we can tell what she needs/wants (most of the time). She only really cries when she is hungry or if you are feeding her and stop to burp her. Anytime she is hungry and there is not a bottle in her mouth she cries. But somehow that is still even cute cause she doesn’t have any teeth and it just looks funny! I still feel bad though cause she acts as if her life is over and so horrible. Speaking of..brb..someone apparently is hungry again.

–She is just dramatic about everything though. For instance if she doesn’t want her pacifier when I try to put it in her mouth she coughs and acts like she is going to gag at the thought of it regardless of the fact that the pacifier is only resting on her lips. Last week she would also fake sneeze but I haven’t seen that one in a while. She also likes to see whats going on all of the time, you can tell she already thinks she is so big. Also,we have been playing with her on the floor and incorporating tummy time and today she lifted her head all by herself serveral times! Once she masters this her development will be even crazier!

So Cute!

10 Feb

Oh my goodness Elliot just laughed in her sleep!

In other baby news.. her hair is starting to grow more and is in the early stages of a baby mullet! haha. She also has my skill of flaring the strills!

Week 2

9 Feb

Elliot will be two weeks old tomorrow! I can’t believe it, it feels like just yesterday we were in the hospital and she was only a day old.

So, let’s see. She is finally starting to sleep more consistently through the nights. Everyone says the first two weeks are the hardest but they weren’t as bad as I was expecting. It has been challenging (mainly the sleeping part) but not horrible. Elliot is a good little baby despite the fact that yesterday she peed on me and today she threw up on me! :p I am starting to differentiate between her cries a little bit, her back and neck are still getting stronger, and we’ve started tummy time with her! She also just likes to sit up and look around at everything.

We went to the doctor yesterday and somehow she has lost weight instead of gaining weight. Probably she isn’t feeding as long as she should, so the doctor had us use formula after she has had breastmilk so that hopefully she’ll put on some weight. I’ll be taking her back to the doctor on Thursday to check her progress. Hopefully she’ll be doing a little better!

Feb. 4

5 Feb

Elliot has figured out how to sigh really big. Her smile is also getting bigger and sometimes her whole mouth will open and smile! She’s also getting more alert, and so much stronger every day. So crazy how much she has changed in only a week!

Pictures of Elliot and her room

4 Feb

Elliot is Here!

4 Feb

Yay! I’m sure you already know but Elliot is finally here! She was born last Wednesday January 27,2010. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 in. long. I can’t believe that she is already a week old! She has already changed so much in this last week. Her cry is louder, her grasp is stronger along with her neck, back and legs. It is also funny because for some reason she really like sitting up and being burped. She is such a good baby, pretty much peaceful and happy all of the time unless she has a dirty diaper or is hungry. I’m sure that will change as everyone keeps telling me. I love her so much though, she is so perfect! I can’t get over how cute she is.

Anyway, so lets talk about her arrival. I went in Tuesday night to be induced. They barely gave me any medicine and my contractions started up pretty quickly. Within an hour or two they were consistently coming at about 1 or 2 minutes apart. They didn’t give me any more medicine for a while since my contractions easily kicked in. I stayed in early labor for about 11 hours I think. Luckily, they gave me some medicine to help me sleep through a lot of it and it didn’t hurt too bad. Actually it worked really well because the next couple minutes was spent with me blabbering about random things and Aaron standing there laughing at me. Wednesday morning they gave me a tiny dosage of pitocin to help labor along. I was still only two or three centimeters dilated but the contractions were hurting bad enough to where I went ahead and got an epidural. Contractions were still staying close apart and then the doctor came in and broke my water. The epidural helped but breaking my water helped even more because not long after things defintely progressed. It was still tolerable, so I told Aaron he could take a break and go and take his time to relax and eat some lunch. While he was gone I could really start to feel my contractions getting stronger. At first I thought it was just a fluke, but they stayed consistent and consistently got worse. I asked the nurse to get Aaron, but he was still at lunch so my mom came in the room with me for a little bit until Aaron got back. During that last 20 minutes I had gone from 4 cm dilated to 9 1/2 cm. Craziness! So by then I was in active labor and I only had to push for maybe 10 mintues .That whole time it hurt so bad even with the epidural but I was so lucky she was all about business and ready to meet us! Everything was so worth it and instantly okay as soon as I saw her. She is so perfect. 🙂

We came home from the hospital on Friday afternoon. Aaron had to go to work that night so my mom came and stayed with me to help with Elliot on Friday and Saturday. I was so surprised though as to how fast my body recovered. I feel great now and pretty much back to normal. I’m just trying to get used to having to get up and feed her every couple of hours. Not that being pregnant was bad or anything, but it is so nice to be able to move around and do things without getting tired after about 20 mins of housework. And it is nice to be able to hug Aaron without my arm sticking straight out. During the pregnancy I gained 32 lbs. and I’ve already lost 18 of that. I can’t wait until the doctor says it is okay for me to be able to work out again. Well, I’ll add some pictures later cause Elliot is getting hungry! I’m also going to try and keep little updates so that I can remember all of the little things that she does.