22 Oct

Also, Elliot’s hair is in the beginning stages of a baby mullet:)

First Zoo Visit!

21 Oct

Wednesday we went to the Zoo! The weather was so nice and we had a fun time! Elliot liked pretty much everything she would either say “oooo” or just gasp at the animals. Her favorites were the monkeys and the turtles. She probably could have just looked at the turtles and fish all day. We decided we’ll definitely have to go to the aquarium now with her, she would love it! She was scared though of the lizards and was trying to hide under Aaron’s legs if we took her too close. She also kept wanting to get in all the cages with the animals and didn’t understand why she couldn’t just go see the elephants, rhinos, lions, etc. up close.

Here are some more words she has said this week:

owl, hot dog, rice, ice, dice, wall, orange


4 Oct

Favorite Food: PB&J
Favorite Body Part: Elbows
Favorite Show: Barney & Sesame Street
Favorite Drink: Cherry Limeade
Favorite Thing to Do: Play at the park


30 Sep

Today I was laying down on the floor on my side. Elliot thought it would be good idea to try and use my growing stomach/her little brother as a slide! Oh, the awkwardness of pregnancy..haha.


28 Sep

Elliot has learned how to say “hmm..” while tapping her chin with her finger, and then she’ll follow it up with “maybe…”. I think I might do this when I’m thinking out loud! 🙂

New Words

27 Sep

Elliot has learned several new words this week. They are: “rain” “my turn” and “happy”. She’s the cutest! We have cut down on tv to almost none at all because she was watching too much and it’s crazy how fast you can see her mind learning even more than before!

Also, one of the hardest things about being a parent is keeping a straight face when trying to discipline. The other day Elliot climbed on to the coffee table and was trying to stand up. I told her to get down and she looked at me straight in the eyes and said “no”. So, I gave her a spanking and was scolding her and then her response she kept saying to getting in trouble was “aww, man!” Lol, that was so hard not to laugh. Silly kid.

Ellie’s Thoughts:

26 Sep

ttrwddc dsdd aa vcdssAqsvsa bbv,jOP’33333e1opbgga


Photo Shoot Fail

21 Sep

Haha, this is from the other day:  why you don’t try to do a toddler photo shoot by yourself. Especially with your own kid, too many other cool things to do!



This Last Week

18 Sep

There have been several things Elliot did that were funny and now I can’t remember them all! I need to update this more frequently!

Let’s see.. last Wednesday we went walking around downtown Forney originally to take pictures but that went as I expected and we ended up just walking around looking at stuff and exploring. Along the way we found a huge grasshopper. Elliot decided to just run up and pick it up but was a little unprepared for it to start wiggling and moving in her hand so she threw it. It was pretty funny and then she spent the next couple minutes “jumping” like the grasshopper.

We also went to a MOPS play date which was fun. Had a little drama with one moms wiping out trying to save a tub of bubbles from falling and then one of the kids somehow ran over another kid on one of those little jeeps. Luckily everyone was fine! Elliot and some other girls had fun pretending to fall down on the trampoline and saying “woahhh” mid-fall.

Oh yeah, Elliot has kind of learned to pick her nose. She has at least learned her finger can go up there, so I’ll catch her with her finger just sticking in her nose but not really moving it! Haha.

My parents got one of those little tykes cars from their neighbor. Elliot loves to play with it and it is crazy how much kids really do observe and retain. She got my car keys and “unlocked” the door, got in the car, turned the keys to the side of the steering wheel to “start” the car, then was turning the steering wheel but crossing her arms over the other like how we do when we drive! She’s so smart!

She has learned a couple letters; “O” and “P” and sometimes she’ll get “B”. She likes to try and read anything that has words on it.

She is also starting to learn to crawl out of her crib. We need to change her to her new bed asap before she really figures it out. And, with my belly getting bigger and back hurting, it is getting harder to lift her and put her in her crib. We also need to make this transition within the next two months before we start doing stuff for the holidays in November and December. But before that, we have to fix the front room by re-painting, re-carpeting, and adding new baseboards! Ahh! This new baby will be here way too soon! We have the money to do it, except now we are getting bills from the lab for pregnancy stuff so that is annoying..going to have to call the Dr. and get that figured out!

19 months

30 Aug

So I’m definitely looking pregnant these days! Goodbye to hipbones, hello love handles! I’ve been able to fit into maternity pants for a while, but they are so uncomfortable! Apparently when you are pregnant, your crotch also somehow grows in length. So annoying because all my pants only fit me when I stand still and when I walk they just sag and slide down. So for now I’m wearing pajama pants at home! Got to delay this maternity pants thing as long as possible but I’m about a week or two away from having absolutely no choice on the matter!

Anyway, I’m about 20 weeks now, I already look bigger than I did with Ellie at 23 weeks. Next wednesday hopefully we’ll find out what we are having!! At first I thought it was a girl but now after thinking about how my first trimester was alot harder than last time, and how extra tired I’ve been, I’m kind of thinking it is a boy! I’m finally starting to feel as normal as you can when you are pregnant, finally starting to get to that second trimester easy time! Yay! I’ve got so much more stuff done around the house than I have in the last month. Hopefully I’ll feel like this for a while as I’m finally catching my second wind!

Elliot was sick all weekend, she threw up Friday and Sunday. Sunday we pretty much just watched Sesame Street, Dora, and Barney all day cause she wasn’t feeling good. I could barely get her to eat anything . I think once she got everything out of her system she felt better. Yesterday, we went outside to watch the rain (that has been so rare) and she was feeling better enough to go stand out in it just for the heck of it. She still wasn’t 100% though but today she seems to be feeling much better. When she woke up she was asking me for something to eat which she hasn’t done in a while and so far she’s kept everything down. We are thinking she just had a little stomach bug + she’s had a couple molars coming in all week so that didn’t really help!

We are taking Elliot with us to the doctor next week! hopefully she’ll understand what she is looking at! The other day she came up and patted my tummy and gave it a kiss just because she wanted to! She is really the sweetest and she’ll be such a big sister.

Oh yeah, continuing the cleaning stories. I had some clean laundry on the floor of the laundry room and she wanted to help me so without me asking, she started picking up piles of clothes and carrying them into the living room for me since I always fold them in the living room! 🙂 I guess she was telling me I needed to clean! 😉

Elliot’s Interests/ Things She Loves:
– Elmo
– toast with jelly
– dancing – learning new moves all the time
– drawing while i’m helping her write her name
– eating popsicles outside

I can’t wait until fall/winter! I’m so excited! We got a little preview with the rain yesterday, we had fun snuggling and listening to the rain! I seriously can not wait!

Elliot watching Sesame Street this morning: