Doctor Appt.

17 Nov

I had a check up today, everything is looking normal! The baby probably weighs 3-4 lbs. and is around 16-18 long already. He still is moving constantly. This week I’ve felt a little better than the last two weeks. Last week was really tough because I think he was hitting a growth spurt and I just wasn’t feeling good at all. I just can’t push myself too hard, which stinks because after like doing the dishes I’m tired enough to like take a 2 hour nap if Elliot would let me! Usually I’m tired enough at any time of the day to where I can just fall asleep if I sit down more than a couple minutes. I can’t count how many times I’ve also fallen asleep in the middle of the floor in Elliot’s room while we were playing. Definitely can’t wait to not be tired all the time, but once the baby is here it will be a while until I can get some rest! I can tell by the way he moves ALL the time and especially when there is techno music playing (just like Ellie) or when I’m being active he thinks it’s time for him to party as well. When I was pregnant with Elliot, she was like me and tried to make sleeping a hobby. Hopefully we’ll come up with a name soon, still haven’t decided.

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