A Post Long Overdue- Jacob

1 Sep

Sorry Jacob, I haven’t been writing about you! Life has been extremely busy but that is still not an excuse!! You are already 7 1/2 months which = way too old!! You are so cute and cuddly all the time! You now have figured out how to reach for things and most recently people. Even when you sit directly in front of me in between my legs on the floor, you still turn around and reach to me because I’m not holding you enough! You are the cuddliest little baby ever! You also started holding your bottle on your own these last couple weeks all by yourself, and don’t like anyone to do it for you! You speak your mind (mostly in screams, and cries and grunts right now) but if you like something you don’t like something you say so and make sure we hear you! You have been starting to crawl, but are in no hurry at all! Right now you just get into the crawling position and rock and ultimately end up scooting backwards or rotating. A couple times you have moved your arms forward, but mainly you just would rather walk or run. You love to stand up and walk and jump (with help) and chase Elliot around the house although she is not the biggest fan. You also love to move around in the walker. You scoot and coast all over the kitchen and roll up to new things to investigate. And you push off with both feet and then glide all the way across the room with your feet hanging like you are flying. You are so cute!! You are now getting old enough to start to play with Elliot. She’s still not the biggest fan of that either since she is still learning the whole “sharing” thing. But she loves holding hands with you and giving you hugs and you always think it is the best thing in the world and smile and giggle every time! You love trying to grab everyone’s food when we hold you at the table during dinner. And recently started communicated other than screams (happy ones) or crying. This week you started fake sneezing because you think sneezing is hilarious. Ever since you were born you have thought sneezing was the funniest thing and now you are doing it on purpose to join in on the fun. You also made a “gasping” sounds this week that we always make when we play peek-a-boo and when we did it back, you just smiled so big! You are also just making little sounds like you are talking to us. You always want to do the same things as Elliot already, I’m telling you, your favorite person in the world is Ellie. I can’t wait to see what else you do in the next couple weeks!! You have a check up next week so we will see how much you weigh then! 

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