Elliot- 2 Years, 7 Months

1 Sep

Loves Cartoons: Looney Tunes (self- proclaimed favorite), Super Why, Dora the Explorer, anything else fun and bright!

Favorite color this week- white – has been at the top of the favorite color charts the longest.

She knows all her colors, can count to 10 in spanish, can count to 20 in English and also understands how to add 1,2,3,4,etc. after 20, 30, 40, etc. She is so smart! She also made a picture of herself from the magnets on the fridge without me ever showing her. I showed her how to make a smilie face, but on her own playing by herself she added a letter for her neck, a body, two arms coming from the body, and then a letter for the feet. So then I asked if she could draw a person, to draw Daddy and she did so good! She drew a dot for his head, a horizontal line for the body, two lines for arms from the body, two lines by the “head” for his cheeks, and two legs. She drew me and baby too pretty similar to the one of Daddy. Then she drew Stephen the same way, but added two dots in the middle of the legs for his knees- which she thought of herself. 

Elliot loves playing pretend and her favorite thing lately is to act out conversations that we have already had through out the day. And we have to do and say exactly what we did before. She also likes to pretend she is a puppy or other kinds of animals. 

She also started using different voices for animals to make them talk. 

Elliot thinks one of the funniest games is to call everyone by the wrong name. All you do is say “Hi, pillow” and she busts out laughing.. other “names” we say are table, window, floor, grass, leaf, tree, eye, knee, etc. you get the idea!

Elliot loves to play with puzzles and can figure them out pretty quick. She always is cautious of what she reveals that she knows (in everything). She likes to act like the doesn’t know certain things or how to do things even when she does. Some of it is her silly and mischievous personality and I also think some of it has to do with missing being “babied” since now there is another baby around. 

She also likes to go to church so she can play with “the kids”. 

One Response to “Elliot- 2 Years, 7 Months”

  1. sarahhanna September 1, 2012 at 3:43 am #

    She also added a dot in the middle of the top of the legs for a belly- button on everyone!

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