Jacob’s Birth!

1 Sep

Jacob was born January 11, 2012 at 9:52 in the morning. I was only in labor for 5 hours total this time! With Elliot, I was in labor for 15 hours. I had to be induced again. I had been dilated to a 2 the last two weeks of pregnancy, and nothing had changed so my doctor scheduled me to be induced. We got there at 5 in the morning, and by 10 you were here!! You were so cute and I just had to hug you! It was harder than with Elliot, I think because you came so fast! The pain was hight this time! I only had to push about the same amount of time as Elliot about 10 minutes or less, 3 actual pushes or so. You were healthy and everything went great and by the book! We only stayed in the hospital for a day since I was able to get a lot more rest the night before. One interesting thing is that he was born with his two bottom teeth just like me! I had never thought about that happening and even the nurses and the doctor didn’t even know what they were at first. I knew he had teeth just because I did too! We had to take him to his first dentist appointment when he was only 2 weeks old to make sure they were going to be stable enough to keep in. We brought him home and all our family was there to welcome us! Which was good and bad! 🙂 Elliot was so intrigued the first couple of days and just peeked and stared at him all day. She was so sweet and gentle with Jacob and always gently placed her hand on him and just smiled.

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